introducing corse control
Corse Control gives track day organizers the tools to notify attendees in real time when they need to be on track, pit out or park their vehicles. Guests at the track can now pit anywhere on the property and never miss their group's session.
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Rider & Driver Experience
We made Corse Control for a particular kind of user, mostly people like ourselves. We love our track time and never want to miss it. We built Corse Control to take the guess work out of knowing when a rider/driver needs to get ready and be on track. By solving this problem track day guests can focus on the things that matter thus maximizing track time and improving safety.
Organizer Experience
make Running your next track days easy
Fill out the form below to schedule your demo.
250 Augusta Avenue - Suite 204
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L7
Phone: 1.647.219.4883